Friday, May 30, 2008

Friday 5.30

Japanese recreation of Live Aid's We Are The World. My personal favorite is either Bruce Springsteen or Ray Charles in black face...

Hotwicks: Candles for Men. Includes scents like coffee, campfire, beer, urinal cake and stripper just to name a few. No, seriously.

Paramount has tapped Beverly Hills Cop 4 as the next movie franchise it will attempt to destroy.

Michael Bay to produce Ouija Board The Movie. It will be a suspense thriller about who is moving the thing b/c one guy so isn't, but the other guy swears he isn't either. The suspense will climax into one giant explosion in the end leaving an eery open ending for you to decide.

Ever wondered when waiting in the car if it wastes more gas to let the engine run or turn it off and on again? This article finally gets to the bottom of it all with pretty interesting results.

Fisherman catches giant Halibut. (Marcus find)

Dean Kamen, inventor of the Segway, has a new project he's working.

Blockbuster unveils its next sad attempt to stay relevant with its In-store Kiosks. Now you can go to blockbuster and download movies to take home and watch. AKA the Internet, except you have to leave your house to use it. Unless I can show up to blockbuster without having to put pants on, this has no appeal to me.

Point by Fascinating Point. New blog that posts various graphs and statistics on recent findings about the world we live in. Great for referencing when trying to back up an argument you just pulled out of your ass.

Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth to be made into an Opera in Milan's famous La Scala opera house.

Learn from Current Tv how to produce a pod. The most interesting thing worth checking out is the storytelling section. In it are interviews with some great storytellers on the topic, most notably Ira Glass of the podcast This American Life. If you've never heard it, download the weekly podcast for free on the iTunes music store.

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