Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Condoms have always caused much frustration for their users. You can't keep them in your wallet or your car for too long. You can't carry them loose in your pocket. And how many can you actually carry at once before it just gets weird? The one-size-fits-all design doesn't make things any better.

The Institute of Condom Consultancy (yes they're real) has developed a new spray on condom that will solve all these problems. You just spray on the latex solution, which dries in about 20 seconds, and you're on your way.

Check out a demonstration below. There's no sound.

WARNING: This video contains phallic images.

Em Shaw find via Perez Hilton

1 comment:

lauren haley singer said...

so now you have to carry a super soaker to spray yer peewee with this latex goo... i would think a condom would be much easier-

just my opinion

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