Wednesday, June 25, 2008


"This is the most offended I've ever been... this is the maddest I ever will be. I'm typing so fucking hard I might break my fucking Mac Book Air!!!" -Kanye West

A few weeks ago at the Bonnaroo Music Festival, Kanye West was scheduled to go on at 8:30 pm, but ended up not getting on stage until literally 8 hours later at 4:30 in the morning. Fans that waited around were outraged, chanting "F--k Kanye" throughout the entire set.

Kanye has finally spoken out about that fateful night on his blog and he is pissed!!

Matty M find via Kanye UniverseCity

1 comment:

Helvestine said...

"Let's break down the walls on this Truman Show!"

wtf is kanye talking about???

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